Dr. Anshuman Sharma is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Department of Marketing, College of Business Administration, Ajman University. He holds a PhD in Marketing and has distinguished academic experience in India, Ethiopia, and Oman. His teaching and research focus includes Advertising & Promotion, Branding and Brand Management, Consumer Behavior, Data Analytics & Modeling, Marketing Research, Strategic Marketing, and Social Media Marketing. With over 25 years of experience in teaching, research, and consultancy, Dr. Sharma has contributed to numerous international peer-reviewed journals.
In a short span of time since its introduction, generative artificial intelligence (AI) has garnered much interest at both personal and organizational levels. This is because of its potential to cause drastic and widespread shifts in many aspects of life that are comparable to those of the Internet and smartphones. More specifically, generative AI utilizes machine learning, neural networks, and other techniques to generate new content (e.g. text, images, music) by analyzing patterns and information from the training data. This has enabled generative AI to have a wide range of applications, from creating personalized content to improving business operations. Despite its many benefits, there are also significant concerns about the negative implications of generative AI. In view of this, the current article brings together experts in a variety of fields to expound and provide multi-disciplinary insights on the opportunities, challenges, and research agendas of generative AI in specific industries (i.e. marketing, healthcare, human resource, education, banking, retailing, the workplace, manufacturing, and sustainable IT management). © 2023 International Association for Computer Information Systems.
A number of technological advancements can facilitate the transition to a sustainable circular supply chain structure. When selecting the optimal digital tool, it is important to assess the readiness and efficacy of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This research looks at how well-known digital technologies like cloud manufacturing (CM), big data analytics (BDA), cyber-physical systems (CPS), and the internet of things (IoT) connect to the infrastructure of sustainable circular supply chain operations inside SMEs. Surveys were used to find out what the employees wanted in terms of revenue, innovation, environmental responsibility, and efficiency gains in sustainable circular supply chain management. Principal component analysis, separated these responses into four groups. The order performance by similarity to the ideal solution fuzzy technique, which is especially useful when uncertainties affect supply chain operations, was used to evaluate these technologies as trustworthy management tools. The findings showcase the technologies' sequential ranking (CPS > IoT > CM > BDA), as well as their impact on supply chain features post-installation and cyclical advantages. These benefits and attributes serve to evaluate the influence of these technological advancements on a circular economy. The research also discusses the influence of external factors on the selection process, including the enterprise's external orientation and internal structure. © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2025.
Purpose: Utilizing the theoretical foundation of the stimulus-organism-response framework, the present work developed and investigated a conceptual model. The work explores the effects of perceived risk of COVID-19 on tourists' choice hesitation and choice confidence. Furthermore, it examines the impacts of choice hesitation and choice confidence on psychological distress, which, in turn, influences purchase intentions and risk-protective behavior. Additionally, the study assesses the boundary effects of vulnerability on the association between choice hesitation, choice confidence, and psychological distress. Design/methodology/approach: An online survey was administered in China during COVID-19 to assess the postulated hypotheses. We collected 491 responses using purposive sampling, and covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM) was performed to investigate the relationships. Findings: Results show that the perceived risk of COVID-19 positively influences the choice hesitation and negatively impact choice confidence. It was also found that choice hesitation and choice confidence positively developed psychological distress, which, in turn, negatively triggered purchase intentions and positively developed risk-protective behavior. Additionally, perceived vulnerability had a significant moderating impact on the proposed relationships, strengthening psychological distress. Originality/value: In the current context, this study measures bipolar behavioral outcomes using the S-O-R model. Because cognitive processes influence participation in health preventative behavior during the spread of diseases, we highlighted how the perception of risk and vulnerability to a pandemic serves as a reliable indicator of certain behaviors. This study advances understanding of how the psychological mindset of tourists copes with such circumstances. Due to the pandemic, tourists face limitations in their choices and are placing greater emphasis on adopting protective measures to mitigate associated risks. © 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited.
Purpose: The crowdfunding concept and activities have recently been the focus of attention of many researchers and practitioners over different business contexts. However, there is a dearth of literature considering the main aspects of e-equity crowdfunding activities and their impact on the innovation performance for entrepreneurial business. Therefore, this study aims to explore how entrepreneurs' engagement in e-crowdfunding activities could enhance both knowledge acquisition and innovation performance. Design/methodology/approach: The conceptual model will be proposed based on three main theoretical perspectives: relationship marketing orientation (RMO); Kirzner's alertness theory; and the DeLone and McLean model of information systems. The data of the current study were collected using an online questionnaire from a sample of 500 entrepreneurs who have actively engaged in e-crowdfunding in Saudi Arabia. Findings: The statistical results of structural equation modelling (SEM) approved the impacting role of RMO, entrepreneurial alertness, system quality and service quality on the entrepreneurs' engagement in e-equity crowdfunding, which in turn, predicts both knowledge acquisition and innovation performance. Research limitations/implications: There are several limitations which could be addressed in future studies, for example, this study has only considered one form of crowdfunding (equity based crowdfunding) and due to its nature these findings would not be easily generalized to other kinds of crowdfunding (i.e. donation-based crowdfunding; rewards-based crowdfunding; and debt-based crowdfunding). Future studies could consider these kinds of crowdfunding activities. Originality/value: This study has contributed to the understanding of e-equity crowdfunding in several aspects. For example, this study presents results that assist both researchers and practitioners in the Middle East and Saudi Arabia to develop an in-depth knowledge of e-equity crowdfunding by considering new dimensions such as RMO and information system success factors. © 2022, Emerald Publishing Limited.
Existing literature has overlooked investigating the factors that foster attachment in counterfeit consumers. This research developed and validated a model that considers social, personal, functional, and economic factors influencing brand attachment and purchase intention. The moderating effect of hedonic benefits was researched under well-established theories—the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and attachment theory. A multi-wave method using purposive sampling was applied to collect 529 responses from consumers about counterfeiting. This data was then analyzed through structural equation modeling (SEM) in AMOS 24.0. The results of the model fit indices of measurement (χ2/df = 2.1927; RMSEA = 0.048) and structural model (χ2/df = 2.552; RMSEA = 0.054) are indicated as satisfactory. The study found that most factors—social, personal, functional, and economic—have a significant positive association with brand attachment to counterfeit products. However, we found that transactional value, conformity, and novelty have an insignificant relationship with brand attachment. The findings also confirmed that brand attachment has a positive relationship with purchase intentions for luxury counterfeit products. Further, hedonic benefits positively moderate the relationship between brand attachment and the willingness to buy luxury counterfeit goods. This research contributes to the body of knowledge on brand attachment, psychology, consumer behavior, TPB, and attachment theory. The study aids luxury and apparel businesses and acknowledges limitations by offering research directions. © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024.
Social networking sites (SNSs) play a crucial role in the lives of online users. This research aims to investigate the underlying mechanisms of SNS addiction and its subsequent impact on the wellbeing of online users. Employing the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) model, we examine the influence of perceived enjoyment, utilitarian needs, and social influence on SNSs addiction and its associated consequences. Additionally, we consider the boundary conditions of loneliness as the predictors of SNSs addiction and social anxiety in the association between SNSs addiction and strain. We collected data (Time 1 and II) from 558 SNSs users using an online survey. By employing structural equation modelling via Smart PLS 4.0, our findings indicate that perceived enjoyment, utilitarian needs, and social influence significantly contribute to SNSs addiction. Furthermore, SNS addiction is positively correlated with strain, which positively triggers users’ wellbeing. We also found a significant positive moderating effect of loneliness and social anxiety on the proposed relationships. Overall, this study enhances our understanding of the theoretical foundations and multifaceted influences contributing to the literature on SNSs addiction and its impact on wellbeing through strain. It also acknowledges the study's limitations and suggests directions for future research. © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
Employability issues among management students have been a topic of research as well as discussion since long. Various studies and research have been conducted with every research suggesting remedial action along with industry personnel coming forward with their requirements. The students aim for global companies to recruit them. The companies, on the other hand, are looking for competent and skilled workforce but both ends are hardly able to lessen the gap. Why is it so? Where does the problem lie? Is it with the management institutions? Is it the inability of students? Or is there a lack of understanding of industry’s requirements among the institutions? This question is what the chapter aims to address. The present chapter begins with explaining the concept of employability from different view-points and its need while also stating the skills generally agreed upon which are required to be considered employable with the 58backdrop of management field. Laying the foundation, the chapter then proceeds to address the lack of factors that have resulted in employability issues prevailing among management students. Interestingly, it was seen that it’s not a single factor but a combination of a number of factors which resulted in cropping up of employability issues such as lack of soft skills, lack of career advice, etc., while also addressing the managers’ point of view regarding the same. Further, the chapter highlights the reasons why employability issue has become prominent among management graduates with finally suggesting actions or remedies that can be taken up to tackle these issues. © 2025 by Apple Academic Press, Inc.
Given the existing gaps and the widespread popularity of virtual influencers, this study develops and applies a paradigm based on social influence theory to probe the effect of virtual influencers on consumers' behavioral engagement. We explore the effect of virtual influencers on consumers' normative and informational social influence, which, in turn, affects their behavioral engagement. We also investigate the relationships between virtual influencers and normative and informational social influences, using perceived interactivity and source credibility as boundary conditions. Through stratified sampling, we collected 443 responses from consumers in the hospitality industry. Structural equation modeling was utilized in AMOS 26.0 for analysis. The findings exhibit a positive association between virtual influencers and both informational and normative social influence, as well as behavioral engagement. Furthermore, this study confirms that customers' normative and informational social influence positively causes behavioral engagement. The significance of both boundary conditions is further highlighted by this research. This work improves theoretical knowledge in social impact, trust, and engagement, with implications for developing marketing strategies on online platforms. Additionally, we acknowledge limitations and offer suggestions for future studies. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd
The COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected the tourism industry, with national lockdowns aimed at curbing the spread of the virus mandating travel restrictions and prohibiting events and gatherings. The shift to online video conferencing tools, which offer limited interactivity, has spurred the need to integrate augmented reality (AR) in various contexts, such as meetings, exhibitions, museums, and travel. This quantitative study examines visitors’ perspectives on AR-based apps in tourism. It investigates the influence of three kinds of quality determinants, such as information quality, system quality, and service quality, on visitors’ perspectives on AR apps. Their impact on visitor satisfaction ultimately triggers visitors to reuse AR-based mobile apps. The research makes a theoretical contribution to the literature on AR and the quality dimensions of mobile apps. We expect demand for AR-based apps to rapidly increase, as people continue to follow preventive measures even after COVID-19. © 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This paper aims to examine the impact of service quality and corporate social responsibility (CSR) on brand authenticity and determine the moderating effects of CSR on the relationship between service quality and brand authenticity. Survey data was collected from 472 customers of Karachi, Pakistan’s four major medical diagnostic laboratories, through the convenience sampling technique. The quantitative method was used. To collect information from respondents, a self-administered questionnaire is used. We utilized the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) technique to analyze data. The results show that CSR, service quality, and brand authenticity are related in medical diagnostic and research laboratories. Research findings indicate that service quality and CSR directly and positively impact brand authenticity. In addition, CSR moderates the effect between service quality and brand authenticity. Managers can see corporate social responsibility as an intangible value that goes along with high-quality services and makes medical diagnostic and research laboratory services more authentic. © 2023 Korean Scholars of Marketing Science.
Rapidly increasing demand for eco-friendly products is evidence of consumers' intention to make responsible purchases. As a result, companies and retailers are increasingly pressured to reconsider their product lines and provide environmentally friendly products in order to satisfy their customers' demands. The current study aims to explore how sustainable retailers, sustainable product packaging, sustainable product availability, and lower price perception impact sustainable behavioral intention towards (SBI) sustainable consumption behavior (SCB). A survey in the form of a self-administered questionnaire was used to get information from millennials for this study. Smart Partial Least Square (SEM) was employed to analyze the data. This study's sample was obtained using judgmental sampling, resulting in 297 valid responses. The results indicate that millennials are progressively adopting environmentally responsible consumption practices. The study found that sustainable retailers, sustainable product packaging, availability, and lower pricing perception contribute to sustainable behavior intentions. The findings indicate that promoting ecological practices and environmentally conscious consumers can assist developing nations in attaining sustainability and ecological stability. © 2023 Elsevier Ltd
This study focuses on examining whether social media advertising elements (entertainment, perceived relevance, interactivity, and informativeness) affect brand equity and brand experience in the retail context. Several customers of UAE retail stores were surveyed using a questionnaire to collect the relevant information. The entire data collection process was conducted using a convenience sample. After collecting a total of 307 valid questionnaires from the participants, the data was analyzed via AMOS software. The results displayed that entertainment and informativeness have a positive impact on brand experience and brand equity. The results also verified that perceived relevance and interactivity have positive effects on brand equity and brand experience. The outcomes also verified that brand experience has a positive as well as significant impact on brand equity. This research adds to the current literature by verifying the significance of social media advertising activities in affecting brand experience, and thus brand equity in the retail context. © (2023). All Rights Reserved.
Purpose: Technological advancements have catalyzed disruption in the banking sector. The impact of the metaverse on the banking sector is no exception. In view of this, the current paper aims to provide valuable insights into four key areas (i.e. corporate banking, retail banking, banking employees and public policy) that the metaverse could significantly disrupt. Design/methodology/approach: Insights into four key areas of the banking sector that the metaverse could significantly impact were gathered from various invited contributors. Findings: The invited contributors first introduce the association between their respective key areas with the metaverse. Subsequently, the opportunities and challenges relevant to the key areas were identified. Finally, future research agendas were proposed for the attention of all relevant stakeholders. Originality/value: The metaverse's impact on key areas of the banking sector is discussed in this paper. Following the metaverse's potentially wide application in the banking sector, insights from the invited contributions offer great value to the relevant stakeholders. © 2023, Emerald Publishing Limited.
Supplier selection is regarded as the primary goal of supply chain management (SCM) because it affects its performance, productivity, pleasure, flexibility, and system speed in lockdown. A new method is proposed based on a multi-stage fuzzy sustainable supplier index (FSSI). Experts can use the triple bottom line (TBL) criteria to select the best supplier. In addition, the worst method is proposed based on trapezoidal membership and fuzzy membership functions, which can cover uncertainties and ambiguous environments. Because it collects the related criteria and sub-criteria and uses a direct fuzzy methodology, this research has impacted the SCM literature because it helps solve previous expert methods’ computational difficulties. In addition, an ordered mean integration representation method has been implemented to prioritize the selection of the best supplier (SS) based on the sustainability performance of the best supplier, which improves the selection accuracy compared to the previous ranking method. This study can be used as a benchmark to determine which supplier is the best in sustainability. To provide the superiority and broad applicability of the proposed model, a practical case study was completed. On the other hand, the COVID-19 pandemic harms productivity, company performance, and selecting the best suppliers based on sustainability performance. The lockdown situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic hurts company performance and management. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.
This research examines the underlying mechanism through which corporate social responsibility (CSR) influences customer loyalty in the hospitality sector. A survey conducted in three popular tourist cities in China reveals that CSR positively impacts customer loyalty through institutional-level constructs, including corporate image and sustained competitive advantage, and individual-level constructs, including customer trust and customer satisfaction. Moreover, the core capabilities of organizations moderate the effect of CSR on corporate image and sustained competitive advantage. Corporate image sustained advantage, and customer satisfaction also mediates the relationship between CSR and customer loyalty. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed. © 2022 Korean Scholars of Marketing Science.
In the past ten years, sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) attach great importance due to consumers, for-profit and profitless organizations, laws and regulations to the social and corporate responsibilities of consumers, so it has been recognized by practitioners and scholars. Supplier selection, environmental effect like a lockdown, and social cooperation and other SSCM programs can play an important part in realizing the triple bottom line (TBL) of economic, environmental, social assistances. In supply chain management (SCM), the sustainable supplier selection (SSS) and firm performance plays an important role. Traditionally, when evaluating SSS performance, organizations will consider a new framework to obtain the overall criteria/sub-criteria of the sustainability index by encapsulating sustainability. In this paper 12 sub-criteria for 3 pillars of sustainability as economic, environment and social performance is collected. Although there are many articles on SSS and evaluation, so far, research on sustainability issues is very limited. This study endeavours to propose a fuzzy multi-criteria approach to discuss SSCM planning, and studies the issue of determining a current model for SSS in the supply chain during COVID-19 based on the TBL method. For express the linguistic value of the subjective preference of experts we use triangular fuzzy numbers. By using fuzzy numbers to find standard weights for qualitative performance evaluation, then fuzzy TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) is proposed to find the ranking of SSS. However, COVID-19 has a negative role in SSS and in firm performance. The situation of lockdown due to COVID-19 has a negative effect on the performance of the organizations. An example is given of the proposed method. © 2022, Politechnika Lubelska. All rights reserved.
Globalization as well as digitalization is changing not only the business formats but also the environmental scenario of this planet. It is quite imperative to move the society towards sustainable consumption. As social networking sites are believed to be capable of influencing user’s perspective, its role in creating sustainable consumption intention must be explored. This research, thus, explores the impact of Environmental Awareness via Social Networking Sites (SNSs) and Environmental Concerns on Green Product Purchase Intention i.e. sustainable consumption intention. It also strives to uncover reasons for and against the green consumption of millennials. A total of 300 questionnaires were administered to students and young professionals of North Indian Tier-2 cities, out of which 281 were found to be complete and relevant for the study. The data analysis was done using the IBM SPSS Statistics v25 and IBM SPSS Amos v22 to explore the impact of Environmental Awareness via Social Media and Environmental Concerns on Green Product Purchase Intention. The results demonstrate that environmental concern as well as environmental awareness via SNSs have a significant impact on green product purchase intention. The study also highlights environmental sustainability (concern) and personal consciousness as reasons for green consumption and Unavailability as a reason against it regarding millennials. Moreover, the study suggests the tested variables to be considered for theory building or modification of existing ones like Theory of Planned Behavior, Technology Acceptance Model, etc. © 2022. Journal of Content, Community and Communication. All Rights Reserved.
Purpose: Based on the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) framework, this study aims to investigate the effect of social media marketing (SMM) activities on consumers’ purchase intention (PI), as well as to test the mediation effect of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) and consumer inspiration (INS) between the relationship of SMM and PI. Further, this study has also proposed and validated SMM as a reflective–formative higher-order construct (R-F-HOC) with its five first-order dimensions: customization, entertainment, interaction, trendiness and word of mouth (WoM). Design/methodology/approach: Using a non-probability purposive sampling method, a structured questionnaire survey using Google forms was used to collect data from a sample of 236 UAE consumers. Subsequently, the data was analyzed with a hybrid method that combined partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and artificial neural network (ANN) analysis. Findings: The findings suggest that SMM has a direct effect on CBBE, INS and PI. Both proposed mediation effects are statistically significant, and there is a partial complementary mediation effect of CBBE and INS between SMM and PI. This study validated the operationalization of SMM as R-F-HOC. Further, the results of the ANN analysis validate the results of the PLS-SEM, suggesting that SMM is the strongest predictor of PI followed by CBBE and INS. Research limitations/implications: In terms of theoretical significance, this study has advanced our understanding of the process by which the influence of SMM is transferred to PI via CBBE and INS. This study has also made a significant contribution by validating SMM as a R-F-HOC. In terms of practical implications, this study suggests that SMM should be best assessed as a R-F-HOC construct with five dimensions: customization, entertainment, interaction, trendiness and WoM. This study has also demonstrated the importance of CBBE and INS in transmitting the effect of SMM on PI to marketers. Originality/value: This study contributes to the digital advertising literature by filling a knowledge gap about the mediation effect of CBBE and INS between SMM and PI via the SOR framework. SMM’s multidimensionality as a R-F-HOC has also been established. © 2022, Emerald Publishing Limited.
Social interactions through social commerce platforms empower consumers to share their personal experiences with others, but its role becomes more significant for societal protection during COVID-19. Numerous scholars have studied e-commerce extensively, but there is a lack of studies to identify social commerce characteristics to attract potential consumers during COVID-19. This study aims to examine the role of social commerce constructs by integrating social presence as a moderator in the model to explain consumers online shopping intentions in a Pakistani context, where lack of trust on the reliability and validity of comments from other consumers being considered the growing concern toward the success of social commerce. The quantitative data were collected from the respondents living in different cities of Pakistan. Most of the hypothesis supported and demonstrate the positive response from the Pakistani consumers having experience in shopping through social commerce platforms. The findings of this study will help scholars and managers to understand the attitude of Pakistani consumers. Copyright © 2022 Rashid, Pitafi, Qureshi and Sharma.
The exponential growth of mobile phone usage has shifted the attention of marketers toward digital advertising as a tool for targeted communication. However, the increased usage of digital advertising exposes consumers to excessive amounts of advertisements, which may trigger their annoyance and raise concerns about overall advertising effectiveness. In a moderated mediation model, this study examined how digital advertising value influences consumers' attitudes toward advertising and purchase intention at different levels of advertising irritation using the S-O-R framework and the advertising value model. Data were collected from 272 university students to test the conceptual model, and a multi-analytic approach combining partial least squares structural equation modeling and necessary condition analysis (NCA) was adopted. Results show that advertising value has a stronger effect on purchase intention than attitude toward advertising and that advertising irritation is a strong negative moderator that significantly reduces overall advertising effectiveness. NCA results also show varying degrees of predictor necessity. These findings can help advertisers improve their strategies to maximize the effectiveness of digital advertising. © 2022
SMS advertising perception has been found to have a significant influence over consumer purchase intention either directly or indirectly. However, there is a dearth of comprehensive studies, suggesting precursors of SMS advertising perception and the process by which it influences the purchase intention. This study concentrates on answering this particular question by developing a research model and empirically validating it, based on the stimulus–organism–response (SOR) framework. To evaluate and validate the results, the study adopted a two-stage, hybrid model using partial least square-structural equation modeling and neural network modeling. The findings suggest SMS advertising perception has a significant effect on purchase intention, mediated by advertising value and attitude toward SMS advertisement. The main contribution of this study is the introduction of a new higher-order construct, SMS advertising perception, for the first time in SMS advertising literature, and the validation of the transmittal effect of advertising value and attitude toward SMS advertising between SMS advertising perception and purchase intention. The study provides empirical evidence to support the SOR framework and helps to expand the scope of SMS advertising perception research and its effect on purchase intention. Additionally, it benefits marketers by fostering better decision-making to devise effective advertising campaigns using mobile-based SMS service commercials. © 2021 Elsevier Ltd
The Cold Supply Chain (CSC) is an integral part of the supply chain of perishable products. The aim of this research is to examine the inhibitors that have a major impact on the performance of CSC operations in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This study provides a synthesis and suggests a hierarchical model among CSC inhibitors and their respective relevance. The hierarchical synthesis of twelve (12) primary CSC inhibitors is achieved through a comprehensive literature review and consultation with academics and CSC professionals. This study used semi-structured interviews, a fuzzy interpretive structural modeling (FISM) and a Fuzzy-MICMAC (FMICMAC) analysis to explore and establish the relationship between and among identified inhibitors. FISM is used to examine the interaction between inhibitors, while FMICMAC analysis is used to examine the nature of inhibitors on the basis of their dependence and driving power. The results of the FISM and FMICMAC analysis show the inter-relationships and relative dominance of identified inhibitors. The results show that some inhibitors are of high strategic importance due to their high driving power and low dependence. These inhibitors seek more management attention in order to improve their effectiveness. The result of a hierarchical model helps to understand the influence of a particular inhibitor on others. 'Higher capital and operating costs' occupy the highest level in the FISM model. The 'fragmented cold supply chains', 'lack of skilled labor', 'inadequate information system infrastructure' and 'lack of commitment by top level management' had strong driving power but weak dependence, which characterizes them as independent inhibitors. Management should be extra careful when dealing with these inhibitors as they influence the effects of other variables at the top of the FISM hierarchy in the overall management of the cold supply chain. The study also suggests a number of recommendations for addressing these inhibitors in cold supply chains operating in the UAE. With due attention and care for these inhibitors, the operation of the cold supply chains is likely to be even more successful. Copyright: © 2021 Sharma et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
The key objective of this research was to test the role of social media marketing features (interactivity, perceived relevance, entertainment, and informativeness) in affecting brand loyalty in the fast food industry. The required data was obtained through a quantitative survey from customers of fast food brands in United Arab Emirates. The findings revealed that most of the social media marketing features positively influence brand loyalty. In details, it was found that interactivity and perceived relevance positively affect brand loyalty. However, contrary to expectations, it was found that the impact of entertainment on brand loyalty is insignificant. Finally, the outcomes confirmed that informativeness is a significant predictor of brand loyalty. This research adds to the existing marketing literature on this topic through the examination of selected social media marketing features and brand loyalty in a Middle East country as the empirical research on this topic, particularly, in this region is scarce. © 2021. All Rights Reserved.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the mediating effect of responsive market orientation (RMO) on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and performance in small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) in Oman. The study specifically investigates whether there is a mediating effect of responsive market orientation in the hypothesized relationships. A field survey was used to collect data from 175 SMEs. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to conduct a confirmatory factor analysis and Andrew Hay’s process macro was used to compute the mediating effect of RMO on the relationship between EO and SME’s performance. While the results indicate a significant relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance, responsive market orientation was found to be the mediator in the relationship (i.e. between EO and performance). The study underscores the importance of entrepreneurial and responsive market orientation for managers and owners of SMEs in Oman in order to compete and grow in regional market of GCC. © BEIESP.