Jihad A. A. Awad
  • Jihad A. A. Awad

  • Professor, HOD Architecture Department
  • Ext: 6718

Dr. Jihad Awad is a full professor of architecture and the current head of the architecture department at Ajman University (AU). Prior to 2004, he taught at various Palestinian universities. He holds a Dr.-Ing. degree from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, a Master of Architecture (M. Arch.) from Kansas State University, USA, and a B.Sc. from Yarmouk University, Jordan. Dr. Awad has published several papers and two books: “Rural Houses of Palestine” (in Arabic) and “Top International Architects – Design Concepts in Architecture” (in English). He has also organized several workshops and invited internationally renowned architects to AU, including Jencks, Hollein, Koolhaas, van Berkel, Badran, Alsop, Moss, Yansong, Ambasz, Wiscombe, Houben, and Yeang.

  • Dr.-Ing., University of Stuttgart, Germany, 1996
  • M. Arch., Kansas State University, USA, 1989
  • B. Arch. Eng., Yarmouk University, Jordan, 1984
  • Professor and Head of the Architecture Department, Ajman University, UAE, since 2012. Full Professor since September 2021.
  • Associate Professor, Architectural Engineering Department, Ajman University, UAE, 2009 - 2021.
  • Assistant Professor, Architectural Engineering Department, Ajman University, UAE, 2004-2009.
  • Assistant Professor, Architectural Engineering Department, An-Najah National University, Palestine, 1996-2003. (HOD between 1997-2000).
  • Lecturer, Architectural Engineering Department, An-Najah National University, Palestine, 1989-1991.
  • Teaching Assistant, Architectural Engineering Department, An-Najah National University, Palestine, 1984-1986.
Teaching Area
  • Architectural Design courses (I - II)
  • Modern & Contemporary Architecture
  • Architecture & Urban Environment in the Gulf Region (graduate course M.Sc. in Urban Design)
  • Islamic Architecture
  • Supervising Master's theses
  • Traditional Architecture and Heritage Conservation
  • Architecture of the Islamic World
  • Housing
  • Smart and Sustainable Cities
  • Modern & Contemporary Architecture
  • Urbanism in the Gulf Region
  • The research profiles of Prof. Awad can also be accessed at the following links: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9270-9241 - https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57188978057 - https://sciprofiles.com/profile/1247819 - https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=SYE2llYAAAAJ&hl=en
Conference Presentation
  • "Ajman Mosques between Tradition and Modernity," ICMA Mosque Architecture Conference, Kuwait, 14-16 November 2022.
  • Awad, J. (2017). "Conserving the Palestinian Architectural Heritage," paper submitted to the Islamic Heritage Architecture 2016 Conference, Valencia, Spain, 17-19 May 2016, published in the International Journal of Heritage Architecture, WIT Press, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2017, pp. 451-460. (ISSN: 2058-8321 paper format, ISSN: 2058-833X online). [https://www.witpress.com/elibrary/ha-volumes/1/3/1235](https://www.witpress.com/elibrary/h
Memberships, Awards and Honors
  • Member of the International Editorial Board for the Journal of Islamic Architecture (JIA) (ISSN 2086-2636, e-ISSN 2356-4644). http://ejournal.uin-malang.ac.id/index.php/JIA/about/editorialTeam.
  • Member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee for Islamic Heritage 2018, held in Malta from 17-19 April 2018.
  • Member of the International Scientific Committee for the 4th International Architectural Conservation Conference & Exhibition "Sustainable Heritage: Global Vision, Local Experience," 8-10 February 2016, organized by Dubai Municipality. Also served as session moderator. http://ahconference.ae/scientific-committee/.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Heritage Architecture. http://www.witpress.com/journals/ha.
  • Member in the Board of Editors of the journal "Open House International" http://www.openhouse-int.com/beditors.html
  • Reviewer for several Scopus-indexed journals, including Frontiers of Architectural Research (FOAR), Sustainable Cities and Society, Buildings, Sustainability, Archnet-Ijar, Open House International, and others.
  • Member of the International Review Board for LONAARD Magazine (London Art and Architecture Research & Design Group), London. http://www.lonaard.com/magazine.html.
  • Honorary Member of the World Architecture Community. http://www.worldarchitecture.org/community/?users=honorary.