Akram Mohamed Hassan Azmy
  • Akram Mohamed Hassan Azmy

  • Instructor
  • Ext: 6023

Akram Mohamed Hassan Azmy holds a Master of Science in Sustainable Design of the Built Environment from the British University in Dubai and a Bachelor's degree in Interior Design from Ajman University, where he graduated in 2015. He began his professional career at Al Sham Interiors, a small company, before joining Ajman University on September 26, 2016, where he continues to work today. With a total of six years of experience in both Interior Design and teaching, he has been involved in multiple implemented projects. Driven by a commitment to continuous improvement, Akram is dedicated to learning and development. He actively seeks opportunities to publish research and believes that art and interior design have a profound impact on the environment and contribute to the development of society.

  • Bachelor's in Interior Design, Ajman University, Ajman, UAE, 2015.
  • Master of Science in Sustainable Design of the Built Environment, the British University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2021.
  • Al Sham Interior Company, 2015.
  • Teaching Assistant, Department of Interior Design, Ajman University, UAE, 2011-2015.
Teaching Area
  • Interior Design Studio I, ll, lll, lV & V
  • Color in Interior Design
  • Model Building
  • Graduation Project l & ll
  • Building Skin and materials performance
  • Indoor Human Comfort
  • Art
  • Sustainability
Conference Presentation
  • EURO-MED-SEC-2: The Second European and Mediterranean Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, The American University of Beirut.
Memberships, Awards and Honors
  • Member of APID.
  • Hybrid Workshop II with the Corporation of Hochschule Darmstadt / University of Applied Sciences.
  • Interior Design Annual Exhibition.
  • First Class Honor Degree.