To familiarize the students with different types and properties of various materials used in the civil engineering construction projects (such as cement, aggregate, asphalt cement). Familiarize the students with concrete and its constituents (cement, aggregates, water), cement manufacturing, cement hydration (physical and chemical properties), fresh and hardened concrete properties including tests for classifying fresh concrete (e.g. consistence), destructive tests for hardened concrete (e.g. compressive strength, tensile strength, etc.) Fresh and hardened concrete deformations, concrete durability, concrete curing, and concrete admixtures. Familiarize the students with asphalt cement and its types and characteristics, perform different tests on asphalt cement such as penetration, ductility, viscosity and specific gravity. Familiarize the students with aggregate types and characteristics and perform some tests on it to obtain its properties such as gradation and physical properties. Several types of other construction materials such as wood, steel and glass will be introduced.