Master of Science in Urban Design

  • Total # of Credit hours

Program Overview


The mission of the program is to provide the community with qualified architects who can deal with the complex issues of the urban environment and cities.


The program will:

  • Enable graduates to evaluate and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of real-world design proposals for buildings and urban environments.
  • Provide students with advanced skills and knowledge to manage and supervise the development and implementation of design and intervention proposals related to the urban environment.
  • Provide in-depth knowledge of the main subject areas of the urban environment regarding the relationships between built form, space, culture, developmental processes and sustainability in its wide-ranging facets.
  • Offer the ability to carry out independent study and research.
Program Coordinator:

Dr. Mohammad S. Arar


Admission Requirements
  • A Bachelor’s degree in Architecture, Architectural Engineering, Urban Planning, Urban Design, Urban Land use, with a minimum CGPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or equivalent. 
  • Students with a CGPA between 2.5 and 2.99 on a scale of 4 or equivalent may be admitted conditionally. 
  • Evidence of proficiency in English: English EmSAT with a minimum score of 1400, or 6.0 IELTS academic, or TOEFL ITP score of 550 or its equivalent.
  • Conditional admission may also be awarded to graduates of related programs such as civil engineering, interior design, or geography according to the departments discretion. The condition being that the students undertake remedial courses that elevates them to the level that enables them to take the MUD courses. That is particularly relevant to urban design and 2D CAD drafting courses.  

NB: Refer to section 2.2.  general admission condition  for Graduate program for more detail

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the MSc. Program  can work as designers and construction managers, decision makers  for city planning, community agencies or governmental authorities. Graduates can also  pursue their studies to gain PhD degree and join academic institutions.

Graduation Requirements

To be qualified for graduation, the student must:

  • Complete the core and elective courses with a minimum AGPA of 3.0.
  • Pass the thesis examination with a minimum of 80 percent (B grade).

Program Learning Outcomes

The following are the outcomes and the relevant abbreviations, which are used in the course descriptions that follow.


The program outcomes are to produce professionals who:

  • Are familiar with the main subject areas regarding relationships between built form, space, culture and the developmental processes.
  • Are familiar with sustainability in design proposal for buildings and urban environments.
  • Are knowledgeable in advanced topics related studies and analysis of the urban environment

The program outcomes are to produce professionals who:

  • Can implement advanced methods and technique to critically evaluate, measure the success, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of design proposal for buildings and urban environments.
  • Can apply advanced skills and knowledge to manage and supervise the development of design and intervention proposals related to the urban environment.
  • Can apply advanced skills to implement design proposal related to the urban environment.
  • Can apply advanced skills and knowledge in sustainability to the urban environment.
  • Can instigate and carry out independent study and research.
  • Can use modern techniques and methods such as computers and software
  • Can communicate in clear and effective manner to enhance the job performance.
Autonomy and responsibility

At completion of the masters in Urban Design program, the graduate will be able to;

  • Identify, formulates, and solve urban environment issues
  • Do detailed analysis and studies in urban environment matters
  • Team with multidisciplinary professions engaged in the urban design process.
  • Analysis an urban area in terms of its sustainability

At completion of the masters in Urban Design program, the graduate will be able to;

  • Recognize the need for life-long learning in field of urban design
  • Professionally compete in the market and play an active role in the community
Role in Context
  • Demonstrate professionalism and regard for his fellow professionals.
  • Show good working ethics.

Program Structure and Credit Hours

Degree requirement

The Master degree in Architecture in Urban Design requires the completion of 30 Credit Hours classified as follows:

Types of courses

Credit hours

Core courses






The study plan for full-time students extends over a two year period (Two semesters for the coursework, and one semester for the thesis). 

Major courses (24 Credit hours)

Course #

Course Title




Urban Design Studio




History And Theory of Urbanism




Sustainability and Energy Saving




Social & Economic Factors in Urban Development 




Research Methods





Thesis I


MUD621 Research Methods


Thesis II


MUD641 Thesis I

Electives (Any two for 6 Credit hours)

Credit #

Course Title




Urban Landscape Design




Mangement of Urban Projects




Real Estate Development




Architecture and Urban Environment in the Gulf



Study Plan

Please click here: Study Plan

Courses Descriptions

 MUD610             History and Theory of urbanism (3,0,0: 3)

Pre-requisite: None

This course attempts to explore history of urbanism. It aims to provide the basic foundation and understanding of the history and theory of urbanism from ancient times to contemporary trends.

MUD611             Sustainability and Energy Saving (2,2,0: 3)

Pre-requisite: None

The course will examine the role of technology and how it may contribute most effectively to sustainable development. It will consider approaches to integrating and managing technology with particular attention to social, economic, health, and environmental sides.

MUD620             Social and Economic Factors in Urban Development (3,0,0:3)

Pre-requisite: None      

This course aims to introduce students to the history and development of urban form, the social and economic factors that contribute to shaping urban form, and sustainability and energy issues associated with urban form.

MUD621             Research Methods (3,0,0:3)


The course introduces the student to the research methods used in urban affairs. This includes the basics of data gathering and analysis with special emphasis on site related issues. The course also aims to show them how to write a dissertation and/or technical paper.

MUD605             Urban Design Studio  (1,4,0:3)

Pre-requisite: None       

The course intended to provide postgraduates with appreciation of visual, social, cultural, economic and environmental impact of the uses and architecture of individual buildings within the fabric of the city. The course also considers how the acquired appreciation can be applied in particular context, and especially in the Gulf context. However, the course is designed for students of varying background and not intended to concentrate on the design of spaces and functional relationships within buildings.

MUD641            Thesis I (3,0,0: 3)

Pre-requisite: MUD621 Research Methods       

The thesis should reflect the cumulative effort the student has made during his studies. It should offer a relevant view of the contemporary world of urban design, urban development and architecture.


MUD642             Thesis II (6,0,0: 6)

Pre-requisite: MUD641 Thesis I

The thesis should reflect the cumulative effort the student has made during his studies. It should offer a relevant view of the contemporary world of urban design, urban development and architecture.


MUD622             Real Estate Development (3,0,0:3)

Pre-requisite: None     

This course explores strategies of Real Estate Development (RED) in Gulf Regions with special emphasis on UAE. The course discusses specific contents on the dynamics of creating value in Real Estate Market. This course addresses the strategic growth, opportunities, competitive challenges, and operational imperatives of the Real Estate Market.

MUD612             Architecture and Urban Environment in the Gulf Region (3,0,0:3)

Pre-requisite: none

This course explores the cultural, economic, environmental and technological issues affecting the spatial disposition, form and character of urban buildings in the region. The aim of this course is to expose students to issues and factors that shape urban architecture of the region.

MUD650             Urban Landscape Design (2,2,0:3)

Pre-requisite: None

This course aims to introduce students to specialize in landscape visualization, environmental perception, public land management processes and sustainable landscapes. It includes the theoretical framework of landscape planning and design, relevant theories, methods and techniques for application in the landscape planning process.

MUD651             Management of Urban Projects (3,0,0:3) 

Pre-requisite: None      

This course introduces the student to project management of urban projects. This includes roles and environments, the project life cycle and various techniques of work planning, and control and evaluation to achieve project objectives