BID 101
Introduction to Design
3 CH
BID 105
Interior Design I
4 CH
BID 201
Interior Design II
4 CH
BID 205
Interior Design III
4 CH
BID 301
Interior Design IV
4 CH
BID 305
Interior Design V
4 CH
BID 401
Graduation Project I
3 CH
BID 403
Practice in Interior Design
2 CH
BID 308
Internship 1
1 CH
BID 404
Internship 2
1 CH
BID 102
Architectural &Interior Graphics
3 CH
BID 106
History of Art, Design, and Architecture I
3 CH
BID 202
History of Art, Design, and Architecture II
3 CH
BID 206
Lighting & Acoustics for ID
3 CH
BID 302
Psychology of Design
3 CH
BID 306
Textile for Interiors
3 CH
Major Elective II
3 CH
BID 402
Graduation Project II
4 CH
BID 103
Sketching and Perspectives
4 CH
BID 107
Material and Construction
3 CH
BID 203
Model Building
3 CH
BID 207
Construction and Detailing
3 CH
BID 303
Construction Drawings
3 CH
BID 307
Sustainability for Interior Design
3 CH
ARB 113
Arabic Written Expression
3 CH
Free Elective
3 CH
BID 104
Colors in Interior Design
3 CH
BID 108
3 CH
BID 204
Building Information Modeling
3 CH
BID 208
Interactive Interior Design
3 CH
BID 304
Furniture Design
3 CH
Major Elective I
3 CH
University Elective III
3 CH
EMS 112
Emiratis Studies
3 CH
ART 111
Introduction to ART
3 CH
ENG 114
Advanced English Writing
3 CH
University Elective I
3 CH
University Elective II
3 CH
STA 113
Introduction to Data Analysis
3 CH
INN 311
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
3 CH
ISL 111
Islamic Culture
3 CH