Improve your Career Prospects while Studying at Ajman University

Monday, Aug 15, 2022 Basma Abu Baker
Improve your Career Prospects while Studying at Ajman University

It’s never too early to start career planning and having an idea about your future career allows you to be more focused, helps you to learn about yourself, offers ideas about how the industry works, and the skills needed to enter into the particular industry. That’s why it’s important to take the right step toward career planning in the early days so that you can determine the right career for your future.


5 Ways how AU is supporting students to be job ready


  • Helping students build their self-awareness

University is a unique opportunity where you can look at yourself and think about how you can benefit and grow personally from the experience. Ajman University has set itself up to become a pioneer in higher education and lead the way in teaching its students how to find their meaning and purpose in life. AU believes that university is more than just about getting a degree, and puts life purpose, positivity, well-being, and happiness at the epicenter of its student education and teaching.

  • Outlining why students learn what they learn

Teaching and learning should always be relevant, whether it’s related to your degree or extra-curricular activities. While AU teaches its students necessary workplace skills, it also teaches them about the importance of well-being and proposes positive practices, including how to engage in the workplace, how to have positive relations with others, and most critically, how to have meaning in life.

  • Providing work-integrated learning opportunities and getting students out into the real world

Work-integrated learning allows students to experience what it's like to work in the real world. It's also a great opportunity to help students to explore new and exciting roles that may not have once been considered. AU provides various programs that link students to a workplace related to their field of study to gain genuine business and industry insights, develop their awareness of workplace culture, and also enhance critical workplace skills, such as positive leadership and communication.

  • Encouraging teamwork

One of the most essential aspects of university study is the unique opportunity to learn to work as a part of a group. Group working provides a funnier and much more effective way of learning. Within a group, you can get the chance to merge your ideas, see the point from a thoroughly different perspective, and prepare yourself for your future job as the ability to work within a team is highly relevant to any workplace.

  • Encouraging students to get out of their comfort zones

When you’re running from class to class, trying to ensure you complete your assignments on time, and working on navigating life as an adult, it might seem challenging to fit one more thing into your schedule. Yet, there are so many benefits of joining clubs in college that it’s well worth the effort. AU proudly supports more than 90 clubs and student organizations that aim to refine students' talents, develop their skills and achieve effective communication with each other, by organizing many cultural, social, and recreational activities.

Pitfalls to avoid while choosing a career

Choosing the right career that you want to follow to help you get ahead in life is an important step when you are done with college. Unfortunately, many people are guilty of making the following mistakes when choosing a career. By avoiding these mistakes, you'll be able to choose a better and more fulfilling career that's right for you.

  • Doing it because others are

Don’t choose a career to study just because your friends are doing it. Unless it's a career that you want, you probably won't succeed in it. Pick a field of study which will make you happy at a place like Ajman University where you’ll be fully equipped with the knowledge and improve your career prospects.

  • Lack of research

One of the biggest mistakes students make when pursuing their dream career is not doing their research. It’s important to know what you’re getting into before committing to a certain path. There are many resources available that can help you learn more about a specific field. Use these resources to your advantage and make sure you understand what you’re pursuing.

  • Focusing strictly on money

Do what you love and the money will follow. Don’t choose a career based on the salary alone. If you pick a career based on the money you won’t be happy and satisfied. You need to choose a career that will get you excited each morning or at least one which makes you look forward to getting to work. Don't stay down a path that doesn't suit you.

  • Underestimating your self

Don't underestimate yourself when choosing a career. You can still get your dream job even if you have little or no relevant skills. All you have to do is to fully invest your time and energy in it. There are even training courses, including diploma courses, that can better prepare you for your desired career.